Identity Theft Resource Center

If you are a victim of Identity Theft you are not alone you can now look to the Identity Theft Resource Center for help.

Additionally, the Identity Theft Resource Center can help direct you to the many federal, state and local agencies that now have dedicated resources to help provide answers on Identity Theft.

The widespread dangers of Identity Theft have been recognized and as a result various agencies are now working together to help those who have been victimized.

The Identity Theft Resource Center has gathered up to date information and can provide you specific help in the following areas:

1. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Information Site

2. Reporting Identity Theft

3. Help for Victims of Identity Theft

4. Identity Theft Laws

5. Identity Theft Protection Act

6. Penalties for Identity Theft

7. Identity Theft Restoration

Additionally, there are a number of additional private-sector agencies that are now helping victims by offering information and support.

The Identity Theft Resource Center has identify a list of agencies below and will update periodically.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI

(212) 642-4900 (New York); (202) 293-8020 (Washington, DC)

A clearing house for establishing standards and best-practices for private businesses, it has workshops and reports dedicated to establishing and implementing uniform procedures to fight identity theft.

Better Business Bureau

(561) 842-1918

The mission of the Better Business Bureau is to provide resources to consumers and business that foster trust in the marketplace. Both businesses and consumers suffer from the effects of identity theft, and the BBB provides numerous resources for dealing with the problem.

Consumer Federation of America

(202) 387-6121

Association of 240 pro-consumer groups whose aim is to advance consumer interest through advocacy and education.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322)

Federal agency charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. Fields consumer complaints about identity theft involving communications systems.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Division of Compliance and Consumer Affairs


The FDIC is an independent agency created by Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation's financial system. This is a link to a useful guide dealing with the loss of a wallet - and all the important information it contains.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) FTC-HELP

The FTC is the main federal agency charged with dealing with identity theft. This page is a comprehensive guide to help you "deter, detect, and defend" against identity theft.

Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC)


The ITRC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the understanding and prevention of identity theft, providing victim and consumer support and education.

Internal Revenue Service

The IRS provides assistance to consumers whose taxes may be affected by identity theft. Guidance is also available for avoiding phishing scams and other attempts at identity theft using the IRS as a cover.

Office of the Privacy Advocate

Fraud - (800) 829-0433

Taxpayer Advocates Office - (877) 777-4778

IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit 1-800-908-4490

National Consumers League Center for Democracy and Technology


A non-profit public interest organization working to keep the internet open, innovative, and free. Deals with policy issues involving the balance of privacy and internet security with free expression.

National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA)


A non-profit corporation dedicated to fighting high-tech cyber crime.

National Cyber Security Alliance

Internet safely and securely at home, work, and school is the focus of this non-profit organization through its website,

National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC)


NFCC promotes responsible behavior and industry standards among finance educators and counseling services.

Securing our eCity

Community-based cyber security awareness and education for consumers, businesses, and government.

United States Postal Inspection Service

Report suspected mail theft, mailbox vandalism, identity theft, postage or other mail fraud, or a false change of address online.United States Postal Service (USPS)

(800) ASK-USPS

Contact the USPS if you discover a false change-of-address form has been filed in your name and your mail is being rerouted by an identity thief.

Victim Assistance Coordinating Council (VACC)

A San Diego-based community nonprofit organization providing information, options and resources to crime victims.

Victim Assistance Program

(330) 376-0040

Ohio-based Crisis Line providing crisis counseling, safety planning, and referrals for crime victims.

The Office of Justice Programs (OJP)

OJP, an office of US Department of Justice, works in partnership with the justice community to identify the most pressing crime-related challenges confronting the justice system and to provide information, training, coordination, and innovative strategies and approaches for addressing these challenges. is here to help provide you updated resources so that you can not only learn about identity theft prevention and protection but provide you up to the minute information on changes that are happening with respect to laws and regulations.

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