Identity Theft Stats

So how big of an issue is Identity Theft?

According to the latest Identity Theft Stats, the truth is about 10 million people in the United States have been impacted by some type of Identity Theft each year.

Here are 10 important Identity Theft Stats:

1. The fastest growing crime in America is Identity theft/

2. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that the number of identity theft incidents has reached 9.9 million a year.

3. About 19 people fall victim to identity theft Every minute

4. It takes on average 30 hours and $500 to resolve each identity theft crime .

5. Current Studies show that those closest to you are the most likely to be stealing your identity

6. One study found 32% of identity theft victims discovered a family member or relative was responsible for stealing their identity

7. That same study found 18% were victimized by a friend, neighbor or in-home employee

8. identity theft cases are most likely to be resolved if they are caught early

9. usually only Financial institutions hold the victim responsible for the first $50 of fraudulent charges

10. Only 28% of identity theft cases involve credit or financial fraud. Phone and utility, bank, and employment fraud make up another 50% of cases

Aftereffects of Identity Theft

1. 50% of identity theft victims will experience problems in getting loans and credit cards.

2. 20% of the victims will experience higher credit card rates.

3. 16% will also see higher insurance rates as a result of the identity theft.

4. 72% of identity theft victims will have trouble resolving and or correcting negative information on their credit records.

These are sobering statistics! is here to help you sort it out.

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